Antichrist - Part 8

Antichrist & Babylon

Before we end our study of this evil son of Satan by reviewing the Revelation of St. John, we might want to take just a moment to mention something in scripture that is seldom reviewed, the thoughts on the wrath poured out upon Babylon, that ancient city of wickedness.

Isaiah 13 & 14 bring us prophecy that helps to focus our thoughts. The first verse of chapter 13 is so well worded as to this issue that it makes sense to quote it all:

“The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah, the son of Amoz did see.”

While these verses are commonly interpreted as verses of earthly warfare, they also seem to foreshadow the wrath and destruction by the Lord against the wicked in the last days. 

13:6 sends a very good clue with the use of the phrase “… the day of the Lord is at hand…” and further strong foreshadow is seen in verses 10 & 11:

“For the stars of Heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

We see these very same thoughts in Matthew 24:29 concerning the Tribulation period.

Chapter 14 teaches us of the merciful restoration of Israel and opens with the words:

“For the Lord will have mercy of Jacob, and will yet choose Israel…” and in verse 7 we are taught that then “… the whole earth is at rest and is quiet…’

perhaps forecasting the peace of the Millennium.

And verse 12 grants confirmation of the subject as we read “How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning…”

These prophecies bring us types & shadows of the last days and the warfare to come as the evil forces mass against Israel and bring the ultimate destruction upon themselves when the Lord Jesus himself swings the sharp sword of His word as we shall see in Revelation.


Antichrist - Part 7