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Putting on the Armor Part 1: The Belt of Truth

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

What we believe is important in spiritual warfare.

Right beliefs are essential in engaging the enemy:

  • Ephesians 1: 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 3:12

What we do is also important in spiritual warfare.

Right beliefs lead to right actions to defeat the enemy.

Putting on the armor is about obedience:

  • The armor is God’s armor.

  • Support of other believers helps us to put it on.

  • Obedience & armor comes from His word.

The Word of God is truth. (Psalm 19:7-11)

  • Study the Word systematically.

  • Learn to interpret the Word properly.

  • Apply & live the Word daily.

Who truth is.

  • Jesus is the truth. (John 14:6)

  • Jesus knew the truth. (John 4:7-19, 6:14-15, & 6:64)

  • Jesus spoke the truth.

  • Jesus lived the truth.

  • Jesus & the Belt of truth. (Hebrews 4:15)

Living the Truth.

  • Jesus is our model. (Matthew 4:1-11)

  • What we do & what we don’t do. (Genesis 4:7, James 4:17)

  • What is accountability?

  • Honest willingness & accepting responsibility.

Wearing the belt of truth means knowing Jesus, knowing His word, and living His word. This piece of His armor is interconnected to the other pieces to finally construct the full armor of God.

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Putting on the Armor Part 2: The Breastplate of Righteousness

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Righteousness:  Living like Jesus.

  • Jesus is our model. (Romans 5:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21)

Jesus focused on pleasing the Father.
(John 8:29)(Mark 14:36)(John 12:49-50)(Luke 23:46)

Jesus would not be disobedient.
(Luke 19:10)(Matthew 1:21)

Wearing the breastplate of righteousness means allowing nothing to get in the way of our living out the righteousness God has already given us, imputed to us through His Son.

The enemy attacks righteousness. (Ephesians 2:1-2)

The enemy begins a conversation with us. (Genesis 3:1-7)

  • Resisting in conversation is not enough,

  • We must resist by submitting to God. (James 4:7)

The enemy directs our attention to what we are missing.

The enemy makes sin look good. (Exodus 32 & Luke 15)

Running from temptation:

  • Wearing the breastplate means thinking properly.

  • Wearing the breastplate means choosing to do right.

  • Wearing the breastplate means felling temptation.

(Genesis 39 / Potiphar’s wife)

Even a man of God can fail:

  • David allowed his humanity to lead him.

  • David tried to cover up his sin.

  • God did not give up on David.

(2 Samuel 11)

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Gainesville First UMC Gainesville First UMC

Putting on the Armor Part 3: Feet Sandaled with the Gospel of Peace

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Standing ready for the battle.

  • Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Getting ready: Standing on the defensive, anchor down our feet as we take our position for the battle and hold it.

Resist temptation when the enemy seeks to lead you into sin.

Stay faithful even when the battle rages.

Refuse to compromise biblical truth.

Keep your eyes on God in spite of distractions.

March forward in faith at any given moment.

(No armor exists for the back)

Getting ready: Moving out on the offensive. (Ephesians 2:4)

Our relationship with God.

Apart from Christ, we are at war with God. (Colossians 1:13)

There is no gospel of peace apart from Jesus. (Ephesians 2:14-17)

Peace with God is not only positional but also practical.

(Luke 22:54-60)

Only genuine confession & repentance followed by God’s forgiveness will restore the peace. (1 John 1:9)

Our peace with God is unexplainable. (Philippians 4:7)

Our relationship with others.

Relationship & unity matters. (John 17:20-23)

Forgiveness matters. (Matthew 5:23-24)(Matthew 6: 14-15)

Getting ready to tell the story.

  • Make sure you are wearing the full armor of God.

  • Getting others to pray for you.

  • Ask God to restore your fire for evangelism.

Telling the story:

  • Be prepared to tell your story.

  • Be alert to opportunities to tell others about Christ.

  • Complete your church’s training to share the Gospel.

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Gainesville First UMC Gainesville First UMC

Putting on the Armor Part 4: The Shield of Faith

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Knowing what faith is:

  • In addition to all (Ephesians 6:16).

  • God teaches us what faith is:

  • A solid conviction resting on God’s words that makes the future present and the invisible seen. (Hebrews 11).

  • God gives us the shield of faith.

  • God’s gift of faith is a good defense. (A defensive stance).

Living on Offensive faith:

  • We are not called to be fortresses. (Great Commission).

  • Faith is an action word. Actions give evidence to our faith.

  • Faith on the offensive follows God wherever He leads.

  • It is God’s armor, not ours.

Following the example of others:

  • Abraham modeled faith through the unknown.

  • A father’s honest faith (Mark 9:14-27).

Understanding attacks on faith:

  • The enemy attacks faith through worry.

  • The enemy attacks faith through fear & doubt.

Increasing our faith:

  • Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. 

  • Faith comes by trusting the Word.

  • Faith comes by living the Word.

Do we trust Him Enough?

Wearing the full armor of God.

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Gainesville First UMC Gainesville First UMC

Putting on the Armor Part 5: The Helmet of Salvation

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Understanding who we were:

  • We were blinded by the enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4).

  • We were in the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:9-14).

  • We were in bondage to Satan’s influence (Ephesians 2:1-3).

Understanding what God did:

  • God has a plan.

  • God’s plan required death.

  • Jesus paid the price for our sin with his death & LIFE !

  • God’s plan demands our response.

Understanding who we are in Christ:

  • First, a caution.

  • In Christ, we are loved (John 3:16).

  • (Those to whom Christ gave His love).

  • In Christ, we are forgiven & changed (John 8:2-12).

  • Paul’s total change, giving us all hope.

Wearing the helmet daily:

  • We are to take up our cross daily (Luke 9:23).

  • The enemy seeks to lead us astray (Luke 22).

  • The sifting of Peter.

  • Repentance breaks the enemy’s hold (Acts 2).

Living in hope:

  • Discouragement happens even to God’s people.

  • God waits at times to build our faith (His time, not our time).

  • Our hope is in the return of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4 & 5).

  • Our hope helps us win today’s battles.

Wearing the full armor.

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Gainesville First UMC Gainesville First UMC

Putting on the Armor Part 6: The Sword of the Spirit

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Believing in the power of the Word:

  • The Word teaches us who God is. (1 John 4:8)

  • The Word teaches us that God is Sovereign over the enemy.

  • The Word teaches us that God will bind the enemy.

  • (Marching forward in Christian obedience).

Recognizing the enemy’s strategies:

  • The enemy leads us to doubt God’s character and His Word.

  • The enemy wants to substitute religion for knowing the Word.

  • (The enemy delights in deception).

  • The enemy wants us to listen to voices other than God’s.

  • (It’s EASIER to listen to other voices).

Countering the enemy’s strategies:

  • (We must CHOOSE intentionally against the enemy).

  • Develop a reading & study plan.

  • Develop a learning plan.

  1. Follow a reading plan

  2. Pray before reading

  3. Use a good study Bible

  4. Don’t be afraid to use good commentaries

  5. Be alert to verses to memorize

  6. Use good principles & then obey the Word.

  • Join a Bible Study group (AMEN!!!!!)

Overcoming the Enemy’s Lies:

  • God won’t forgive you.

  • You will never overcome this sin.

  • The church will never accept you again.

Proclaiming the Word:

  • Christ has defeated the powers. (Colossians 2:15)

  • The enemy can’t nullify God’s grace.

  • God fights the battle for us.

Wearing the full armor of God.

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Putting on the Armor Part 7: The Power of Prayer

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

Praying with urgency:

  • Pray at all times:

  1. All believers battle

  2. The intensity of the attack

  3. Believers to rejoice always

  4. The brevity of life

  • Be on the alert.

  • Pray BEFORE the attack.

Praying at all times in the Spirit:

  • Living in the very presence of the God to whom we speak.

Praying for all the saints:

  • The faith of those praying is more important than their number.

The enemy and prayer:

  • Self sufficiency hinders our praying.

  • Sin hinders our praying

  • Poor relationships hinder our praying.

Equipped and deployed:

  • Deployment requires getting the armor ready.

  • Equipping invites attack.

  • Deployment means being faithful.


God delights when we wear His armor.

Simple obedience is the foundational victory in spiritual warfare.


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