From the ancient writings of the Mayan people:

“Death is what we call the awakening from this dream we call life”.

Written by Elizabeth I while imprisoned by Mary Queen of Scotts:

“Christ was the Word that spake it, He took the bread and brake it, and what His words did make it, that I believe and take it”.

Making sin beautiful is the supreme art of the great deceiver – and in that beauty we are always deaf to the hissing of his serpent.

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself, it means thinking of yourself less. - C.S. Lewis

In the Word of God there is enough brightness to illuminate all the elect, and just enough obscurity to keep them forever seeking more. - Blaise Pascal

Truth comes before belief and faith is a response to love more than acceptance of dogma. - Kathleen Norris

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde

Evil is not a problem to be solved, but is a mystery to be endured. - Flannery O’Conner

All holy men are selective fundamentalists. - Walter Bruggeman

There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge between them is God’s love. - Thorton Wilder

My prayer is that when I die all of hell rejoices, for only then am I out of the fight. - C.S. Lewis

The Law says, “Do this” but enough is never done. Grace says “Believe this” and everything is already done. - Martin Luther, 1518

The believer’s true devotion to the Lord is measured only by the depth of his surrender. - Fleming Rutledge, 2016

Temptation is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign that you are a threat to the devil. It is a call to battle.

When I am in the cellar of affliction, there I find my Lord’s choicest wine. - Samuel Rutherford, Puritan

In His heart of love, I have come undone in affection. - Mary of Agreda, 1653

Daniel, beloved of God: God’s angel Gabriel told Daniel He was beloved of God. Daniel 9:23

How beloved was he? “Through these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job … they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God. Ezekiel 14:12&14

Baptist Theology

They hold that man in his natural condition is entirely depraved and sinful; that unless he is born again, changed by Grace, made alive unto God, he cannot be fitted for the communion of saints on earth, nor the enjoyment of God in heaven; that there is an election of Grace, an effectual calling, and that the happiness of the righteous and the misery of the wicked lost  will both be eternal. - David Benedict, 1905

Sin will grow without sowing, but holiness needs cultivation. Follow it for it will not run after you. - Charles Spurgeon

You shall love the Lord with your whole heart. Notice that Christ says “Your Whole Heart”. He does not say: “Leave a corner of your heart to yourself.” He bought the whole of you by giving His whole self for you, that He alone may possess every part of you. Do not try to hold back any part of yourself if you really wish to have the whole, then give it all to Him, and He will give you all of Himself. - Saint Anthony of Padua

Simul Justus et peccator (Both righteous and a sinner at the same time) - Martin Luther

Sometimes life is a sad long road and every friendly touch & word must be preciously guarded as treasure. - Josiah Royce, 1907

Chance is perhaps the pseudonym God uses when He chooses not to sign His name. - Anatole France

Paul sums up the universal problem of the sinfulness of man: “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him”.  (Romans 1:21)

There is nothing so fearsome as one Calvinist in possession of the truth. - Lord Acton

We are all members of a species that is not sufficient unto itself. We are all creatures plagued by unending doubts and restless, unsatisfied hearts. - Johannes Baptist Metz, SJ , POVERTY OF THE SPIRIT

When we are motivated by self-interest, then pride, worldly pursuits, and discontentment overwhelms our walk with God. - Rev. Nicolas T. Batzig

Original sin is that thing about man which makes Him capable of conceiving of his own perfection and incapable of achieving it. - Reinhold Niebuhr

There are three types of people in the world: Those who have sought God and found Him (these are reasonable & happy). Those who have sought God and have not yet found Him (these are reasonable and unhappy). Those who neither seek God nor find Him (these are both unhappy and unreasonable) - Pascal

… a man cannot be thoroughly humbled till he realizes that his salvation is utterly beyond his own powers, counsels, will, and works, and depends absolutely on the will, counsels, efforts, and work of another, God alone. Only those who have given up on all self-reliance can be saved. - Martin Luther

When we forgive we are transformed into ambassadors of His love. - Barbara E. Reid 2009

There is no sin in spiritual ignorance, the only sin is staying that way. - H.S. Hawkins 1957


Ante corpore inseparabilis, nunc individuus affectu, manes enim mecum, at semper manebis. Before we were joined in constant physical proximity, now it is in our affections that we are one, for You abide with me, and will abide with me forever. - Richard John Neuhaus

We in Christ = Justification. Christ in us = Sanctification. - Martin Luther

So have no fear of death. There is no cruel boss, vengeful enemy, or tyrant waiting to destroy us – only a loving, always forgiving God, eager to welcome us home. - Henri Norwen, BREAD FOR THE JOURNEY

If you choose, you believe, but you do not choose unless you are drawn by the Father. And if you do choose, you have been drawn by Him. - William of St. Thierry 1135