Daniel - Chapter 12

Daniel 11:36 - 12:13

Last chapter in verses 1-35 we saw the amazing detailed prophecies containing over 100 prophetic events foretold by the holy angel, Gabriel, to the chosen prophet, Daniel. All were fulfilled in human history over the next few centuries. None have been left open and none have ever been successfully challenged as untrue. 

Until this last portion of the book of Daniel, we have seen the prophet seek the heart of God concerning his own people, the Lord's chosen people. In the answers granted to this holy prayer warrior God commanded one of His highest angels to bring understanding to Daniel. In this effort, God through His angel, expanded the knowledge Daniel had begun to gather from previous scripture to include not only the answers Daniel sought for the Jewish people but also wisdom was given to explain the plan of the Lord for the Gentile people who would fill most of the human time after the 70 years Daniel found in the writing of Jeremiah. This plan allowed Daniel to know that there would be 7 times 70 in years and these years would be described as “weeks”.

Now, the wisdom is further expanded for Daniel into a view of the events that will accompany the end times of the “Times of the Gentiles” and the final “week” in which the Lord will resolve the relation of His originally chosen people to Himself.

Beginning in verse 11:36 we see the sharp break in the prophecy. Up to this point, the truth has been revealed of the Persian, Greek, and Gentile peoples in minute detail. This last and by far most important section we will study will detail the events that will fill the human time after the 69 weeks as the 70th and final week transpires. This “week” or 7 year period is one of tragic promise as one will arise to appear to the Jews to be their Messiah, long awaited after they had rejected the Lord's Christ. He will be “of the Jews” in order to be accepted by them, and will bring in a false peace and then betrayal to Israel. 

This will be the Antichrist.


There is a jump of time in the explanation of the angel as to the events now to be described. We note in the final words of verse 35 “... it is yet for a time appointed”.

Now as verse 36 begins we see the prophecy of “the” king, not a king. He will do as he wills, and shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god. He shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods (Jehovah) and he shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished (tribulation). We notice that the verse ends with the wisdom that it has been determined these things shall be done. (God's permissive will in evidence).

We had already been granted foreknowledge in 9:26-27 that such a one would come. 

Next we are told that he will not regard the God of his fathers, our sure notice that he will be of the Jews. He will not enter into the desire of women, meaning he will not enter into marriage nor make any Jewish woman a mother to his child. John teaches us in 1st John 2:22 that “... he is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son...”. Now we see once more that he will magnify himself, not regarding any god. 

In the place of Jehovah, he will honor the god of fortresses, that is he will lean upon the only one who would use his might to secure him in this world. That is Satan, who offered all the kingdoms of this world to Jesus and Jesus declined. Now Satan has one that will not say no to him. Revelation 13:2 teaches us that “.. the dragon shall give him his power and his seat and great authority...”. This new evil one will increase this god of his choosing with glory and will use the division of the land for his gain. 

Warfare will follow from north and south and he will control (stretch his hand) over other nations, with power over their riches. He will ultimately set the tabernacles of his palace between the seas of the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, in the glorious holy mountain, in Jerusalem.


Michael, God's angel, will now stand for the chosen people. We are told that he will arrive “at that time”, meaning the time of great troubles. This time seems to speak of the tribulation years and these times are described as times such as there never was, which is almost the same words Jesus uses in Matthew just before His death as He taught that “There shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be...”. The angel's words of prophecy and the later words of Jesus do not stand alone on this subject. Jeremiah 3 calls it “Jacob's trouble”. Ezekiel 20 says that Israel “shall pass under the rod”. Ezekiel 22, Zech 13, and Malachi 3 echo these words. These last scriptures speak of a refining process, as of metal. We should remember that the Great Tribulation is a time of judgment for the Jews through which they will be refined to once more stand as God's chosen people.

We see resurrection language next and we must understand that it is a third type of resurrection. There are three. First, spiritual, second physical, and lastly national. Here the language speaks of the national resurrection of Israel who will be revived and restored to their own lands. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 24 that at the end time there will be a gathering together of the elect. Remember the faithful elect are already raptured before the tribulation. This is NOT a rapture (catching away) but is a gathering of the Jewish elect formed through the tribulation. Paul taught us this truth in Romans 9:27 by teaching that “a remnant of Israel will be saved”.

Daniel is told to “shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end”.

We remember that Jesus had a manner of shutting up his meanings in parables and He taught in Matthew 13 that it was so that many would not understand for their ears are dull of hearing. Paul taught us in 2nd Cor 3 that “... minds were blinded”.  Therefore as far as the Jews are concerned, the book of Daniel is sealed. How long?

Verse 7 explains that it will be so until the 31/2 years of the tribulation time occurs (time, times, and half a time). Daniel says he heard but did not understand. The answer was clear and direct. “Go thy way Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed til the time of the end”.

Next is the promise. Many will be purified (saved) and made white and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall. Now once more the time of the last days is defined. From the time daily sacrifice is taken away and the desolation abomination is set up, 1290 days, 31/2 years will pass (half of the 7 years that make up the tribulation)

We are not granted the full and detailed understanding through the angel or by Daniel of the time defined in verse 12 of 1335 days or of the 1260 days referenced in Revelation 11:3. However, scholars and dedicated writers have seemed view these references as Jesus comes again at the end of 1260 days, His government on earth is officially established in 1290 days, and at the end of 1335 days, the nations are judged as foretold in Matthew 25:31-46. 

Now Daniel was well over 90 years of age, and he had been active in public life through two empires. His faith had passed all of the most severe tests. God had honored him by taking him into his confidence regarding the divine plan for both the Jewish and Gentile peoples. He had held the trust and understanding of holy angels who battle the forces of evil in spiritual warfare invisible to us.

Now it was time for Daniel to know that his work was done and he could look forward to his rest. God tells him to “go thy way”. But at the last days we are given the wisdom blessing to know that Daniel will once more “stand in thy lot”. 

When he departed to his heavenly home to await those last days, it seems sure that he was welcomed with the words we all hope to hear:

Welcome thy good and faithful servant.


Daniel - Chapter 11


Daniel vs. Revelation