Daniel - Chapter 6

It is likely that all of us who are raised in the Baptist church from childhood have the same response when anyone mentions Daniel. It is almost sure that our quick reaction is “the lion's den”. 

We see immediately in this chapter that another king has arisen, Darius the Mede, but we also see that Daniel still stands as the prophet and loyal servant of God. Kingdoms of man rise and fall, but Daniel is still serving the King of kings.

(6:1-9) Kingdom Against Kingdom

After the defeat of Belshazzar by Darius, he decided to set up the kingdom using 120 representatives, known as satraps. He further decided to have these 120 report to three governors, and Daniel was named one of these three. The abilities of Daniel were quickly recognized by Darius and he considered placing Daniel over all the governors. Word of this possible change must have leaked out because the other governors and the satraps set themselves a mission to find a way to bring Daniel down. With no chance of any negative shadow found in Daniel, these men concluded they could only arrange his downfall by using his faith in his God against him.

So a conspiracy was founded to have the king sign a law that all petitions to any god be made to the king only. Any who disobeyed were to be cast into the lion's den as a death sentence. This effort was a direct attack and offense against the kingdom of the Lord, whom Daniel served and he would serve no other. We see that when this decree idea was presented to Darius no mention is made whether Daniel had approved of this new decree. He was manipulated by his counselors because of his sin of pride, elevating himself over all gods, and he was filled with self deceit. One of the characteristics of the Medes was that once a decree was signed, it could not normally be revoked. This was handed down from the older code of Hammurabi and Darius, intoxicated by this honor of self, was willing to sign it. He exchanged the truth of God for the lie of self. This same mistake was tempted successfully upon our first parents in the garden by Satan in Genesis 3:5 (“... you will be like God...”)

(6:10-17) Faithful Unto Death

This event happened in the first year of the rule of Darius. We will see in chapter 9  verse 2 that Daniel was well studied in the book of Jeremiah and he was sure the restoration promised originally after 70 years was at hand. With the wisdom and courage provided by God Daniel saw through this conspiracy. He knew the previous trials had taught him to trust only in God and he stood firm against this evil decree. He saw it as the ultimate test of his faith and he still prayed three times daily. When his prayers were reported the king had no choice but to send Daniel to the lions. But he gave Daniel an indication of his own faith by telling Daniel that “... your God will deliver you...”.

Daniel's prayer life was seriously devout. He prayed three times daily, always facing Jerusalem (although there is no command to do so), and served God continually, and his prayer life included thanksgiving and supplication for others (verse 10-11). We will see the private part of the prayer Daniel sent upward in chapter 9, as he continued strongly in confession. It seems clear that his prayer life nourished and refreshed his soul.

Daniel was cast into the lion's den, with a rock sealing the entrance and the king's seal on the rock.

(6:18-28) Shut The Mouths

The king fasted all night and found no sleep. He was much troubled. Early in the morning he went to the lion's den and called out asking if God had delivered Daniel. The answer came from Daniel that God had sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions and  no harm had come to him and he said that this was because he was innocent before God and had done no wrong to the king. Daniel was removed from the lions and we are told there was no injury to him BECAUSE he believed in God.

Those who had accused Daniel, along with their wives and children, were cast to the same lions who tore them to pieces.

Next a new decree was signed by Darius that in every part of his kingdom the God of Daniel would be feared and respected. Darius had confessed the supreme authority of the true and living God of Daniel's worship and faith. 


Daniel - Chapter 5


Daniel - Chapter 7