David: Chronology of David’s Life


Childhood: Shepherd boy, anointed king, chores, plays lyre for king Saul

Age 30
6 years, 6 months
Reigns as King of Judah, at Hebron 30yrs old
II Samuel 5:4-5
Has children in Hebron including: Amnon, Chileab, Absalom, Adonijah, Shephatiah and Ithream
II Samuel 3:2-5

Age 37
33 years
Reigns as King of all Israel
II Samuel 5 :4-5

5 to 10 years
Jerusalem was conquered, then David built his house, then brought the ark to Jerusalem, waged war against the Philistines, Moab, Zobah and the Edomites. He was waging war against the Ammonites when: he sinned with Bathsheba. This means it is likely that he was king 5 to 10 years before he sinned with Bathsheba.

David intends to build Temple, God prevents him and gives him a promise. His son, Solomon, would build it.
I Samuel 22:9, 2Sa 7:12, 1 Ch 17:11

Probably between the age 42 to 47
Sins with Bathsheba

yr(s) later 44-49
Solomon Born (Solomon must be born no less than 18 to 20 months after David's sin with Bathsheba because the first baby dies) (Yet Solomon is old enough to have a son by the time David is at the age of 69)
II Sam 11:26-27, 12:18,24-25

Probably age 45 to 50
Amnon rapes Tamar (Amnon and Tamar must be older than 13 years old by now. If David was 45, this would make Amnon, Absalom and Tamar no older than 15, which is possible but unlikely. If David was 50, they would be no older than 20, which is certainly possible, more likely they were 13 to 18 years old)
11 Sam 12:10

2 yrs later age 47 to 52
Absalom kills Amnon
11 Samuel 13 :23

3 years age 50 to 55
Absalom exiled in Gesher
II Samuel 13:38

2 years age 52 to 57
Absalom lives in Jerusalem in isolation from David
II Samuel 14:28

4years age 56 to 61
Absalom usurps the kingdom of David, David flees Jerusalem (Age 66 seems awfully old to be on the run like that.)
II Samuel 15:7

Let's say one year
Absalom killed by Joab, David restored to power

3 years Age 57-60 or 62-65
Famine in Israel because of the blood guilt of Saul in slaying the Gibeonites.
II Samuel 21:1

at least 10 months probable like 5 years
There were two wars with the Philistines after this before the end David's reign, then David rested and thanked God when he was delivered from his enemies, Then he conducted a census that lasted almost 10 months, then the plague. Finally David's preparations for transition of power to Solomon and for the Temple.
II Samuel 24:8 (At this point I subtracted 5 years from the upper end of the distribution from each entry)

Age 69 (1 year before David dies)
Solomon has a son: Rehoboam. (Solomon must be older than 13 years old in order to have a son) (probably 21 to 26 see below)
1 Ki 14:21

Age 70
David Dies, Solomon becomes king David calls Solomon "young and inexperienced."'
Solomon can't be older than 30 years old because of David's 6.5 year reign in Hebron and the two years after the sin with Bathsheba. In addition, the sin with Bathsheba probably didn't happen as soon as he became King in Jerusalem since Jerusalem needed to be conquered first, then built his house, then brought the ark to Jerusalem, waged war against the Philistines, Moab, Zobah and the Edomites. He was waging war against the Ammonites when he sinned.with Bathsheba. This means it is likely that he was king 5 to 15 years before he sinned with Bathsheba. This would make Solomon 21 to 26 when he became King.
1 Kings 2:10-12
1 Chron 22:5, 29:1

4th year of reign
Solomon began to build the Temple, ( 480 yrs after Exodus)
1 Kings 6:1

11th year of reign
Finished building the Temple. It took 7 years to build the Temple
1 Kings 6:37-38

24th year of reign
Finished building his palace. It took 13 years to build the Temple
1 Kings 7: 1

It took twenty years total for Solomon to build the Temple and then his own house
1 Kings 9: 10

40 years old
Solomon reigned 40 years in .Jerusalem.
1 Kings 11:42
2 Ch 9:30

41 years old
Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he became king
1 Kings 14:21


David: Key Events in his Life


David: The Promise of David