Ezra - Chapter 6


After 16 years of delay, finally the Jews had begun again to construct the new Temple for the worship of the Lord. 

The search requested by the territorial Governor had been done in the treasure house of Persia and King Darius had responded as to the findings. The scroll of the original decree made by Cyrus was found and the details were exactly as the Jewish leaders had said when they were questioned as to who allowed their work. The response letter from the King to the Governor was strong and direct. He told this Governor that he and his people were to stay far away from this work and further were commanded to let the Jews continue the work Cyrus decreed. The Governor was also commanded to provide any assistance needed and any expenses are to be paid so that this work may be finished. Even further a command was made that any man who in any way delayed the work was to be hanged from a beam from his own house and the house made a garbage heap after his hanging.

In verses 13-15 we are told that the Governor got the message loud and clear and he and his men diligently did as King Darius commanded. Verse 14 summarizes the story told in Ezra 5:1. Not only did the elders of the Jews build, but also they prospered

through the prophesying of  Haggai and Zechariah. God had raised up these men as prophets and we see clearly that the work they did stirred the hearts of the Jews to restart and to complete God's work. Verse 14 also gives us the good news that the Temple was finished according to the God of Israel and according to the command of Cyrus and Darius. While the work of these two prophets does not appear inside the book of Nehemiah, it is reflected in both books that carry the names of these two sent by God.

Verse 15 even allows us to know the actual day on which completion was seen.

Now in verses 16-18 we see the people celebrate the dedication of the Temple. Great sacrifices were made as sin offerings and there is much joy in the celebration of this great mission that has been completed. The leaders made sure the divisions inside the Temple work assured the new place of worship functioned properly.

In verses 19-22 we see that the people celebrated the Feast of the Passover which marks the deliverance of the chosen people from bondage in Egypt and now the celebration may include the release from their bondage in Babylon back into the promised land.


Ezra - Chapter 5


Ezra - Chapter 7