2 Thessalonians - Chapter 3


(The pastor's desires from his people)

The office of pastor is rightly held in the highest esteem both by scripture as well as believers. Those who accept that high calling are considered as spiritual shepherds, tending the human flock of the Lord. Both Paul and Peter set clear standards for the one who may hold this position.

 (1 Tim 3:1-7 / 4:6-11 / 2 Tim 3:16 – 4:5 / Titus 1:5-9 / 1 Peter 5:1-4 / Heb 13:7 & 17)

There are also requirements for the Christians who are led with regard to their pastors. Paul had made note of this fact in the first letter (5:12-13). Now we are given deeper insight from the heart of Paul as to his those things he wished to receive from the members at the church in Thessalonica. Paul asked for the following things:

  1. The prayers of the people that the word of the Lord have free flow and be glorified. He further asked that he and his helpers be held safe from evil men.

  2. The people should hold to their trust in the Lord and he assures them that the Lord is faithful, will strengthen them, and will protect them from the evil one.

  3. The people continued in their obedience to what has been taught. Paul clearly states his confidence in their dedication.

  4. The people should grow spiritually by the Lord's direction of their hearts into love. Here Paul uses the “Lord direct” phrase meaning literally that the Lord might remove any obstacle in the path of the church to remain steadfast.

We should reflect and take joy in the kind and sweet way that Paul expresses his pastoral concern for the care and growth of this church he planted. His hopes seem to summarize perhaps what all pastors hope for, that their flock pray for them, trust in the Lord, obey what is taught, and grow in spiritual truth.


(Work is a noble Christian duty)

Throughout all his writings, Paul was focused upon how theology applied to the lives of believers. Now he uses that focus to center on one of the base aspects of our lives, work.

From God's perspective, as seen in the voice of His wise king, Solomon, work has an honored place in the kingdom:

“...every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor – it is the gift of God” (Ecc 3:13)

While God commanded rest on the seventh day, he also commanded work on the other six. Genesis 2:15 gives God's command for Adam to work in the garden.

Some members were not living in accord with the Lord's truth that work is required in life. They were causing strife in the church by refusing to work and were sponging off the other members. Paul did not give us the reason these members chose not to work and there have been assumptions that it was because they thought the Rapture would come very quickly and therefore work was pointless.

Paul had addressed this issue in the first letter (4:11-12) and clearly felt that he should resolve the issue once and for all, and he certainly did in verse 10:

“...if any should not work, neither should he eat”.

He further used the consequence of shunning these who chose to be slack, and provided shame as the result. But he also adds that these who are shunned should be admonished as a brother. Paul seems to be saying that the church should discipline these brothers, but not to reject them from the assembly. 


(Prayer for peace)

The church which was so strong in many ways had been tormented by persecution, false doctrine, fear and sin. Paul had given these believers clear instructions as to how to deal with these matters in the two letters. 

But Paul knew that even if they fully understood all his commands and advice, that they would not be able to implement all he had said in their own strength. So now Paul asks the Lord to enable these members to conform to his hopes by the Lord of peace himself granting them the peace needed to prevail.

He calls on God to grant these devoted ones two blessings that are needed for spiritual maturity, peace and grace.

Paul's two letters have given us a deeper view of what it means to live the Christian life from one who was tapped by our Savior, Jesus Christ, to become His chosen vessel to the gentiles. This is US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2 Thessalonians - Chapter 2