God’s Devil - Points to Ponder, Part 2


Any study of Satan would be misleading if the victory of Christ were not strongly underlined. Although Satan has won some battles, Christ has won the war.

The situation has now radically changed.  After the Redemption man has received from God the light to discover the snares of our enemy and the strength through grace to resist his assaults upon us. In today's world there seems to be a more ready acceptance of evil, even by some who claim Jesus as their own. At times we seem like an army retreating in defeat. We are not defeated.

The victory of Christ over Satan is the heart of the Gospel. It brought a new age of grace and mercy. With the Redemption, Christ becomes the master of history. The victory over the serpent is the Lamb. All prophecy (beginning in Genesis 3:15) is seen to be a story of liberation and victory. Jesus proved that the reign of God is now present by His command of causing demons to flee from those possessed.

Satan is no longer confronting a man created in human flesh (such as Adam). He now confronts a portion of the Holy Trinity made in the “likeness” of our flesh. (Romans 8:3).  Satan's defeat began at the moment the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and conceived the Holy One inside her. The disciples of Jesus were amazed that they could cast out demons in Christ's name (Luke 10:17). The Lord did not leave us here unarmed. The Raised One brought the Holy Ghost to indwell us from conversion until death.

While the death of Jesus appeared to Satan as victory, it actually was his loss. The work of Satan in the hearts of the Pharisees to end the life of Jesus opened the door to the immense wisdom of the plan of God from the foundation of the world, which broke the dominion Satan had enjoyed over man. The total obedience and submission of the Son in this plan assured it's success for each of us who became His. Satan's fierce warfare became his own undoing. 

The death and resurrection of Jesus established the Kingdom on earth. Jesus announced this fact in John 12:31 when He said that now is the ruler of this world (Satan) cast out. Although the roaring lion still seeks whom he may devour, he is unable to bring harm to those saved unless we yield ourselves to him. The time given by God to Satan between the cross and the 1,000 year reign when Satan is bound is to allow man to war against him and to defeat him daily, proving that the followers of Christ will continue in the work to crush his head while he nips at our heels.


God’s Devil - Points to Ponder, Part 1


God’s Devil - Points to Ponder, Part 3