God’s Devil - Points to Ponder: Conclusion


What does it mean to claim Jesus as our own in a world where terror, oppression, and death all seem to have the last word? Peter gave us our answer to this difficult question in 1st Peter 3:21-22:

“Jesus Christ … Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to him.”

The NT is filled with words used to describe the powers at work in this world. We read of authorities, principalities, kings, demons, spirits, thrones and dominions. Then there are words to describe even higher forms such as Satan, sin, and death. Our new covenant speaks to us continually of these matters. For his arrogance, Satan and his angels were cast from heaven. God relinquished limited but very real authority to sin and death. Therefore sin and death currently enjoy a measure of control but only until that later day when all of creation will be freed from this bondage. Luke 4:6 teaches from the lips of Satan that power has been given to him. So from all of the holy Word we have studied we are able to conclude that while God might not actively plot evil He surely allows it.

Sometimes we see Satan portrayed as God's great enemy, serving no good purpose (1st Thes 3:5, Luke 8:12, 2nd Cor 6:15, 2nd Cor 11:14-15). Other times we see Satan portrayed as God's own servant, bringing about a positive result (1st Cor 5:5, 2nd Cor 12:7).

Christ remains at the right hand of God to assert His authority over the far lesser power given to Satan. The devil's role as the “prosecuting attorney” is clearly seen in Job 1 & Zechariah 3. The Revelation further clarifies this role in 12:10 when we see Satan is our accuser day and night before God. So for the saved, there may be accusations but there is NEVER condemnation (Rom 8:1).

Over the course of His earthly ministry which contained His constant struggle and control over the unclean spirits, Jesus showed Himself to be higher in power than all others while He shared the likeness of our flesh. The good news for us is that as His children we are united to Him as he works through His Spirit to elevate us also. He heals our spiritual blindness allowing us to see through Satan's temptations and to prevail against them. He strengthens us when sin and even death torments us. Finally and most importantly, when we fail morally Jesus forgives us in the instant of our repentance, again and again. He frees us from the dominion of sin (Romans 6:14). He does not hide these difficulties from us but sends us into the world of darkness to confront them and to show our love for Him each time we overcome them. 


God’s Devil - Points to Ponder, Part 12