Hebrews - Chapter 10


The 10th chapter of our study has two main divisions:

1. Verses 1-20 Setting forth the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice unto those who believe.

2. Verses 21-39 Making practical application of the lessons of the first division unto faith, obedience, and perseverance.

The method used in the first division is to once again set up the contrast between the former means of sacrifice found to be inadequate and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which was sufficient for all while effective for some (the elect). His work on the cross provided a perfect standing before God for those who believe on Him as well as opening the veil that had stood for centuries as a wall which allowed no direct access.

All the chapters until now reflected the fact that the sacrifices made by all the Levites were but shadows of the perfect sacrifice to come and by their needed repetition yearly were shown to be insufficient.

The closing verse of chapter 9 joined together the cross of Christ and His second coming. A good question for us to consider is what happens between these two events, that is what should we think of as the time between the events of Calvary and the actual entry into glory of those who were redeemed there, called to be His children, and reconciled to Him?

The answer is the Christian life on earth. It is this life that will be mainly the view of the chapters to come as we finish the study of Hebrews. We will see the present status, privileges, walk, discipline, and responsibilities of the saints who are here to further His kingdom by the fruits of our lives.

In chapter 10 we see clearly that the old covenant sacrifice was not sufficient to take away sin and that the necessity & power of Jesus did exactly that through His “once only” sacrifice. (verses 1-18).

We see an argument made for boldness of the believer by access to God directly through Christ, no longer separated by the curtain of the old way.

We also see the need for our faith to be steadfast and the mutual love & duty of the believer. (verses 19-25).

We see the danger of apostasy presented. (verses 26-31).

We see the sufferings of believers and the encouragement needed to maintain faith. (verses 32-39).


The tabernacle and many ordinances of the old covenant made at Sinai were only types & shadows of the gospel. 

The sacrifices of the high priests offered each year many times could not make worshippers perfect (meaning complete & finished, not sinless) with respect to pardon from sin and could not purify the conscience.

But we see that when “God in flesh” became the sacrifice He ransomed us by His death. The atonement was effective because He laid His life down for us through His power to lay it down (and to take it up again), placing himself in our place. He CHOSE to do so. No man took His life. He voluntarily gave it for us.

We know that He accepted the cup as the will of the Father and by doing so atoned for all sin, brought righteousness to man by His sacrifice imputing his righteousness to each believer for all time, making those called to Him more perfect through acceptance and then obedience to His gospel.

Are we to presume that all those who lived and died under the old covenant were perhaps without standing before God?  As Paul so well teaches us, God forbid! 

While the sacrifices of the Levites were not sufficient to secure the blessings found in the new covenant under Christ, we are taught clearly that there were many faithful who belonged to “…the remnant according to the election of grace…” (Rom 11:5) and that their faith had allowed them to see beyond the shadow to the reality of the substance of the Lord’s will.

Job 19:25      

Psalm 23:6     

Isaiah 12:2    

Daniel 12:2


Under the new covenant (based upon the gospel) full & final pardon are available. This is the supreme difference between the old and the new.

Under the old, repetitive sacrifices brought only temporary pardon, AND it was only for a time AND only for those there at the moment.

Under the new, one sacrifice was sufficient for all time, all ages, all nations, unto all believers and its spiritual pardon was to free us from punishment both here and in the life to come. (Remember we are taught that our sins are forgiven AND will be remembered no more).

Our opportunity to receive this freely given gift of grace is through faith and the sealing of it in our hearts by the continual work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, bringing us onward through obedience, as we are then a new creation and have been justified by the all sufficient sacrifice of Christ.

We must always remember that Jesus was the first fruit of the dead. While others arose, only He arose to glory.

Isaiah 42:1 teaches us that “Behold my servant, whom I uphold, Mine elect, in whom My soul delighteth”.

The church was chosen in Christ. (Eph 4:1)

The church was given to Christ. (Heb 2:13)

God the Son was appointed to be the Head of the whole election of grace and we to be members of His body. (Eph 1:22-23 & 5:30)

We did not choose Him, He chose us!


The argument of the early verses is now concluded. The teacher now turns to the results of the holy argument made to us. Now we turn to the practical application of all that came before.

We have boldness to enter into the holiest place, access provided by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way.

We have in the heavenly sanctuary a great high priest over the entire House of God & His true church, the body of Christ made up of all believers.

All difficulties have been removed forever.

Our access is He who is the way and is also our destination.

He is forever interceding for us as we strive here to become more obedient and less sinful while we still struggle with the carnal nature that remains a part of us while here.

He has given us in Himself an all sufficient mediator and has, through sending the Comforter, arranged a path for believers to be able to overcome the trials & tribulations evident in each believer’s life.

On this perfect foundation rests His exhortation in three parts:

  1. Let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith.

  2. Let us hold fast to the profession of hope without wavering.

  3. Let us consider one another, encouraging one another unto love and good works.

Faith, hope, & love, the new covenant of divine grace.


“For if we sin willingly after we have received the knowledge of the truth…”

We now are under study of one of the most solemn and fear inspiring passages not only of Hebrews but of the entire Word of God. 

These verses are known as the “apostasy verses” of Hebrews. The word apostasy is defined as rejection of belief. 

It is imperative that each believer understand these verses as applied to those who share our time and those who fell under the influence of the most evil one now and before to reject the Word, the gospel, and its teachings AFTER it has been made available to them.

The true question each believer must address is whether he is a true branch of the one & only vine. 

Do we admit that alone we can do nothing? Are we ready to place our lives under the control of the Living God through His beloved Son? 

Will we deny ourselves the fruits & effects of the carnal nature, not yielding to the temptation which will never end? Are we ready to concede our lives to the teaching of 1 John 5:4:

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world…”

Apostasy is making a shipwreck of faith. I Timothy 1:9:

“Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient…”

It is a returning to and being overcome by the world after having understood the knowledge of the Lord & Savior. There are some specific steps which come before it:

Looking back: (Luke 9:62) “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”.

Remember Lot’s wife who could not obey and looked back at her city where her heart was, & found her destruction.

Drawing back: (Hebrews 10:38)  “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.”

The requirements of Christ are exacting and become no longer fixed in the heart.

Turning back: (John 6:66) “From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.

The path the believer MUST walk is narrow and does not suit the way of the flesh.

Falling back: (Isaiah 28:13) “.. that they might go, and fall backward and be taken”.

NOTE: For if we sin willfully ------------

This use of the word “sin” is one of a peculiar sense. It is not describing sin generally but of a particular kind of sin, apostasy from the faith and truth.

The fallen angels are known as the “apostate angels” having known the truth and rejected it, then suffering the consequence of that rejection, a perfect example of Hebrews 10:31:

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”.

The Lord has issued the warning through His scripture and we as believers must be attentive to His serious conversation with us on this most serious matter.

Let’s keep his thoughts from Isaiah 66:2 in our heart & mind:

“To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit,  and trembleth at my word”.


The path of tribulation & salvation of the soul.

Many afflictions united against the early Christians, and they were in great conflict much of their lives.

All things here are but shadows, and the happiness of the saints in Heaven will be forever. No enemy can take it away as earthly goods might be stolen away. All that we sacrifice here will be made into rich amends in the eternal life with Him awaiting us.

However, the greatest part of the happiness is still in promise.

The trial for the Christian is to live His Word here, remain steadfast and in good faith until the call arrives for us to travel homeward.

By His grace, we will persevere, remaining faithful through all trials, and meet Him having lived by faith, dying by faith, receiving our crown to lay at His feet.

Now we travel onward to study the most precious words of faith given to us in the wonderful chapter on faith, Hebrews 11, which presents to us many examples of those whose faith pleased the Lord and whose good report likely was treasured in the words:

“Welcome home good & faithful servant” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hebrews 9-10: A Better Sacrifice


Hebrews 10: Our Perfect Sacrifice