Holy Spirit - Part 13: The Gift of Tongues

We are aware that there are two separate and quite different interpretations of the Bible scriptures concerning the Holy Spirit bringing the gift of tongues to those who are born again.

Most Protestant churches accept that the correct interpretation of this gift is that there were times in the early church when it was necessary to speak the Holy Gospel to groups of people who were of different lands but happened to be present at the preaching and teaching. At that time, by the work of the Spirit, speakers would deliver the gospel message and it would be heard and understood in the native language the listeners, with all different listeners hearing in many different languages at the same time, allowing the message to be spread far more quickly than using verbal interpreters of each language.

There are a few denominations which take a strongly different view, which is that at certain times, speakers who are overcome and perhaps overfilled with the Spirit find themselves speaking in a tongue not only they themselves do not understand but also no one else present understands either. In these moments, these speakers seem to accept that they are speaking in a heavenly or spiritual language which resides apart from our realm.

Our Pentecostal brothers and sisters lean toward this view.

We should begin this portion of study with the completely true fact that Jesus commanded at the Great Commission that speaking in tongues would be a part of that effort by witnesses spreading His gospel message.

Mark 16:17

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues”.

Acts 2 contains an account of the gift of tongues given to believers. “As the Spirit gave them utterance” may also be translated “as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak”. When the speakers presented the message, those listening heard it in their own language, as if the speaker was speaking simultaneously in several languages at once.

Paul taught that the best use of this gift is in our private devotions rather than in public worship. 

1 Cor 14:4

“He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophecieth edifieth the church”.

Paul did not leave us an explanation as to how speaking in tongues in private devotions worked for if we are in private (one on one with the Lord, perhaps in our prayer time) what would be the purpose of speaking in another tongue?

Paul did, however, teach that we can control the gift of tongues. He felt that the Spirit does not compel one to interrupt the worship message with tongues. We can speak to God quietly within ourselves we feel the Spirit moving us to do so.

1 Cor 14:28

“But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God”.

Here again, Paul does not enlighten us as to how an interpreter would be needed if someone spoke in a language of the listener. But it does seem that he is teaching us to limit such language in worship.

If we find ourselves somehow without the proper words to convey our meaning to the Lord while in prayer, scripture is quite clear that the Spirit will step in and convey our inner meaning to God.

Romans 8:26-27

“... we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh  intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. … the mind of the Spirit maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God”.

Our prayers therefore made in the Spirit are always according to His will. In this teaching we are assured that weak flesh (of which we are all made) will not hinder our prayers to the Father's ear, which is forever inclined toward His own.

Some teachers have pointed out that the accepted view of speaking in tongues was only necessary in the time of the early church, and is not necessary today. There may be some validity to that view as most people (but certainly not all) on the earth do hear and understand two or three languages which have become nearly universal in our modern times.


Holy Spirit - Part 12: The Gifts of Faith, Miracles, and Healing


Holy Spirit - Part 14: Sins Against the Holy Spirit