Holy Spirit - Part 26: Worthy of Honor and Worship

When we consider all that we have learned about the work and position of the Holy Spirit in the creation, the Old Testament, the Incarnation of the Messiah, the new and precious gift of His indwelling all believers since Pentecost, we must be willing to humbly give the Holy Spirit proper praise for His grace and goodness to us.

We build our faith on His providence over His chosen believers, His power to remove us forever from the dominion of sin and death, and His faithfulness and goodness all of which shine forth over His elect.

There is no verse in Holy Scripture which warns us against rendering to the blessed Holy Spirit that recognition and honor to which He is fully entitled. It seems we must conclude from our study that this special third person of the Trinity who has done so much for us is surely worthy of our worship, just as is the Father and the Son. Since we fully accept and believe in the one true and living God, and we have seen in our study that He is indeed one and only one, manifested in three persons but existing in one essence, our worship of the Holy Spirit is honorable and due.

Deut 6:13

“Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him, and shalt swear by His name.”

Jesus spoke of this very matter when He confronted Satan face to face.

Matt 4:10

“Then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence Satan: for it is written, thou shalt  worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

The Lord our God is a unity within the Trinity (the Godhead) always being in three persons all of whom are equally glorious and equally worthy of our praise and love. In this respect we may take a lesson from the most holy moment given to Isaiah, and granted to us to understand from chapter six of his book of prophecy. Here the seraphim gives a direct teaching by repeating his praise THREE times, “holy, holy, holy” and God Himself then speaking an even stronger lesson by His question “Who will go for US...”

making it clear for us that the persons of the Godhead are indeed plural.

Later this same lesson is given again in Acts 28:25-26 where the Apostle relates that in this special moment, it was the Holy Spirit speaking. If then the angels of the highest order give glory and worship to the Holy Spirit, should we, who have been chosen and regenerated by Him, do any less?

While we have seen the Holy Spirit was given to glorify Christ, and we have no teaching that allows us that this is ALL of his mission. We have learned that His first

work is to direct the attention of all sinners to God, convicting them of rebellion against the Creator, Ruler, and Judge of all things.

Jesus places this third person on equal footing with both Himself and with His Father by the terms of His Great Commission.

Matt 28:19

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”


To receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts is the first act of worship toward Him. We 

fully praise and honor the Son with our whole hearts and we must praise and honor this Holy Spirit in the same reverence for what He has formed within us.

Finally, we should keep in mind that each and every verse in the Bible which teaches us to “praise the Lord” or to “fear God” or to “pray without ceasing” is also in full reference to the Holy Spirit as well, for He is indeed God.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus sustained the proper position as Lord on earth and after His ascension back to the right hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit was provided to occupy that position. Scripture shows proof of this position and power clearly.

Acts 13:2

“As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereto I have called them.”

Acts 20:28

“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers... .”

It is the Holy Spirit who appoints the laborers, equips them, assigns their work, and blesses their efforts. We are taught this understanding early in our spiritual lives when we sing the ancient hymn we call the Doxology:

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”


Holy Spirit - Part 25: The Spirit in the Old Testament


Holy Spirit - Part 27: The Holy Spirit & Prayer