John - Chapter 12, Part 1


JOHN 12:1-11

We now enter into the last week of the Lord's mortal life. 

Now there was a deeper appreciation of Him among His own followers but also there was a steady hardening of heart and unbelief among His enemies. Jesus is seen in the middle of a circle of friends who overflowed with love for Him. There is also a hint of a wider acceptance as the Greeks wish to hear Him but there seems also to be an even stronger effort to eliminate Him by His enemies in the temple leadership. We also note in verse 10 that these chief priests consulted how they may also kill Lazarus, who had been raised from the dead by Jesus, and who, along with Mary and Martha now made Him a meal.

The contrasts of the chapter are several. The opening scene is filled with bliss and love as those who loved Jesus prepare for Him a meal, likely to celebrate the blessing of new life given to Lazarus.  At the very same scene we see the moment when Mary pours out her affection by anointing Jesus with the costly pound of ointment. 

Here in these first verses of chapter 12 we see that we are on resurrection ground. The foreshadow of this happy gathering in Bethany allows a view of what is waiting for all believers in the life to come:

Lazarus is seated at the table with Christ, resurrected, sharing the place where Christ is. (John 14:3 teaches us that Jesus says that where He is we may be also).

Martha serves. (Rev 22:3 teaches that His servants shall serve Him)

Mary displays her loving devotion, worship given to Him who has sought us, bought us, and saved us.

Here Christ shares loving fellowship and happiness with those whom He had earlier shared sorrow and tears at the tomb of Lazarus. 

We must remember the teaching of Paul in Ephesian 2 that tells us that we are raised up together to sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.

The lesson of Mary's devotion is strong for us. She took the very expensive ointment, opened it, anointed the feet of Jesus with it, and then dried His feet with her hair. This was no sudden impulse by Mary. Jesus says that “... against the day of my burying hath she kept this...”.(7) This word “kept” also means “diligently preserved” so it was saved for this occasion.

Both Matthew and Mark teach that she anointed His head but John only saw the anointing of His feet. 1st Cor 11:15 teaches us that if a woman has long hair it is a glory to her, and she uses her glory to wipe the feet of her Lord, in deep affection and humility.

Now Judas Iscariot wants to know why this ointment was not sold and the money given to the poor. Here is another contrast. Verse 6 tells us that he did this not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief who carried the money purse. We notice this false concern only a few days before he himself will sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

At the very time Satan was preparing Judas to betray the Lord, the Holy Spirit moved the heart of Mary to pour out her love for The Lord. 

Jesus teaches that we will not always have Him, so the act of Mary was devoted and accepted, given to Him in love while He was here. The poor will always be with us and this verse in no way teaches that the poor should be neglected. 

Verse 9 teaches us that many Jews came there not only to see Jesus but also to see Lazarus. There were very few times that the worker of the miracle and the receiver of the miracle were to be seen together after the miracle was done. Here was one of those times and the people knew what had been done and wanted to see for themselves.

Verse 11 gives us the beautiful conclusion that because of that reason many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus.

Here is another reason for the Jewish temple leaders to want Jesus dead and gone. They would soon get half their wish. He would be dead, but NEVER gone.


John - Chapter 11


John - Chapter 12, Part 2