John - Chapter 3, Part 2


JOHN 3:22-36

We now are given a study in 15 verses of what resided in the mind of John the Baptist concerning his own mission and his deep understanding of the mission of Christ. 

It begins with the fact that Jesus and His disciples remain in Judea while John continues to preach and baptize in Aenon. A human nature view shows some were trying to provoke jealousy in the mind of John but we quickly see his humility and his joy. From this view we see the priority of Christ and once more the only two choices men can make concerning the Lord.

A deeper look at these few verses reflects the sad state of Judaism in these days. The Jews were only concerned with the external values of faith (verse 25), and were envious of the rising ministry of Jesus (verse 26) and were rejecting that ministry (verse 32).

With no heart for the Son of God among them, and with ignorance of  His forerunner (verse 28), the Jews only concerns were of the ceremony of faith, not its deep internal promise that led to life eternal.

Initially we are told that John was baptizing in the area of Aenon near to Salim, which literally means “many springs” and “peace”.  The area itself speaks of John being in a place of blessing after serving in the wilderness previously. Now there was refreshment and peace. This place provided much water for the sacrament of repentance for believers and perhaps provides a clue as to the process of the sacrament itself. A place of “many springs” gave much water for true baptism, the immersion that represents obedience to follow Jesus into death and rising symbolically. If the sacrament were by sprinkling or pouring, many waters would not be necessary. We remember Romans 6:4 teaching that we are buried with Him and rise up with Him.

When some report to John that Jesus and His followers remain in Judea AND were baptizing, John did not stop his work. Even though he knew that Jesus was preferred over him and that other baptizing was evident, he continued. He found no discouragement even as his time of popularity was ending and some were trying to make him jealous of Jesus. He persevered in the work God had given him to do. What a lesson for each of us today. Paul speaks of this lesson in Gal 6:9: “And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”.

We will learn later in 4:2 that Jesus personally did not baptize but this reference here is that His disciples did.

As these Jews tried the patience of the Baptist, trying to provoke him can we see the hand of darkness of the great deceiver hard at work?

John's testimony is righteous and direct. He tells those around him that he must neither exceed the calling he has received from God nor compare himself with others. He quickly reminds them that he has already said in their hearing that he is not the Christ but was sent before Christ ( in preparation of the Lamb to come).

John is clear in verse 30 that He must increase but I must decrease. We might view this in the aspect of light once more. In the morning light's arrival those lights that twinkle at night must diminish. John was a star of God but in the light of a new beginning as the sun (and the Son) began to rise, John's light dims and will soon no longer be seen.

John further uses the image of a wedding to reflect that Jesus is the bridegroom and that John is His friend, rejoicing at the voice he hears of the bridegroom. John sweetly says that it is this that fills him with joy. John was correct for all ages. The true church will always be the Bride of Christ, not the bride of John. Israel is that bride here.

This testimony is one of the most profound and complete of all scripture and gives us a strong look at one who was humbly serving his Lord. John reveals his true and inner nature and his wisdom to grasp both his limited mission and the expansive mission of the “lamb who taketh away the sin of the world”.

  • John was the one who could receive nothing unless it was given him from heaven.

  • Christ was the one to whom the Father hath “given all things”.

  • Jesus was the Christ, and John was only the one “sent before”.

  • Jesus was the bridegroom, and John was the friend (best man standing with Him).

  • Christ must increase, and John must decrease (in stature and mission).

  • John was “of the earth”. Jesus had come “from above” and is “above all”.

  • John had only a measure of the Spirit but Christ was filled beyond measure.

  • John was a servant while Jesus was the Son.

John gave a blessed and complete testimony. Each believer should learn from his words as they apply to us as well.

Our study passage ends with the beautiful thought confirming the basis of all salvation. He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life. Eternal life is not a future expectation. It began for each believer at the moment conviction changed the heart and heart, spirit, mind & body all said YES to the Lord.

While life eternal has begun for each believer, and is a present possession, its full joy awaits us ahead. We are to live in faith of the promise to come just as those whose examples are given us in the roll call of heroes in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter.

Believing on the Son is not optional but is essential to gain eternal life. Verse 36 also warns that the wrath of God awaits those who do not.


John - Chapter 3, Part 1


John - Chapter 4, Part 1