John - Chapter 8, Part 2




From the lesson taught in verses 1-11, we saw that a trap was put in place for Jesus and we saw His divine wisdom turn it away and place it back upon those who contrived it. The Lord's light of mercy shined brighter than the legal trap arranged to condemn the sinful woman.

Now we see that Jesus begins the next lesson for the Pharisees by telling them that He is the light of the world. This statement has been misused over time to wrongly suppose that because He is the light of the world He meant that ALL are saved. Not so!

We know that the one who chooses not to follow Christ rests in darkness forever. Verse 12:46 teaches us later that “... I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness...”.

This claim by Jesus further confirmed His identity as both God and man. So now the Pharisees say that His record is not true. Jesus sharply responds in verse 14 that His record is true for He knows whence He came and whither He goes, but they do not know these things. This reply, in other words, says that though My divine glory is veiled, though at this present time I am not exercising My divine power in full, though I stand before you in the form of a servant, be assured that I have spoken the truth.

As evidence, Jesus reminds them that in “your law” the testimony of two is required to prove truth. The Father bears witness of me and I bear witness of myself. The father had borne witness through the prophets of Christ to come. The Father had sent John the Baptist as witness. The Father had spoken His witness at the Jordan river to the world. So even with clear proof of two witnesses, they reject the evidence given.

Notice that Jesus uses the term “your law” rather that “the law”.

Now Jesus tells them that He will go His way and they shall seek him, but they will die in their sins (21). He is speaking of His departure from earth. Now they ask Him again who He is, and He repeats that He has told them from the beginning who he is.

He is basically saying that He has spoken of light and He is that light. He has spoken of truth and He is that truth. Now He tells them that when they have lifted Him up they will know the truth. He is speaking now of His death on the cross. He further reassures them in verse 29 that the Father has not left Him alone. Verse 30 reveals that many now believed in Him. Jesus teaches them that if they continue in His word, they will be His disciples. Here is a great lesson for us. It is not how a man begins in faith that matters. Being steadfast in His word is not a condition of being a disciple, rather it is a result of it.

Now He teaches that they shall know the truth and it shall set them free. Verse 36 assures them that if the Son therefore makes you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Free from what?

  • Free from the condemnation of sin.

  • Free from the penalty of the law.

  • Free from the wrath of God to come.

  • Free from the powers of Satan.

  • Free from the bondage of continued sin.

  • Free from the authority of man.

Paul taught us in 1 Cor 7:22 that the believer is the Lord's freeman.

This freedom is not our license to do whatever we want. It is freedom from slavery to Satan so that we do what we should.

Now Jesus tells them He knows they are the seed of Abraham. But they still seek to kill him and they do not the works of Abraham. They agree that Abraham was their father. Now they bring their high minded gossip to bear by saying that THEY were not born of fornication, implying Jesus was so born.

Jesus tells them that they are the offspring of Satan. The leaders accuse Jesus in return of having a devil and challenge Jesus to say whether He is greater than Abraham. Now Jesus confirms to them that Abraham rejoiced to see His day. 

  • How did Abraham see the Lord?

  • By faith in the promises of God (Heb 11:13)

  • By type, as seeing Isaac as a type of Jesus, receiving him back after considering his son as dead (Gen 22:1-4)

  • By special revelation from God (Psalm 25:14)

Jesus now reveals His most profound claim to His eternal being. He says to them that “... before Abraham was, I am...”.

Christ has revealed His true self and being to these who remained blind and He leaves them now to the slavery of their sin of rejection of God''s holy incarnate Son.


John - Chapter 8, Part 1


John - Chapter 9