Mark: Points to Ponder

MESSIANIC SECRET – The preaching of Jesus in Mark has nothing to do with His own identity. In fact, He is strongly reluctant on this point. He even silences demons who recognize Him (1:23-26), and ordering those healed to keep quiet (1:40-43), only allowing the truth when it is spoken by Peter (8:29) “… Thou art the Christ…”, and He quickly commands them to tell no man (8:30). He then reveals only to the disciples the truth of His rejection and death.

SPIRITUAL WARFARE – As soon as Jesus is baptized by John, and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him, He is driven into the wilderness to engage Satan in warfare of the spirit concerning temptations Satan offers Him, prevailing in the battle by the use of scripture from Deuteronomy.

Jesus cleanses the Temple courtyard of buyers and sellers, beginning the warfare with the Temple masters (Pharisees, Sadducees, & scribes) in chapter 11. The chief priests and scribes then resolve to kill Him. Jesus predicts the Temple destruction in chapter 13, and Jesus predicts His own resurrection in chapter 14.

Jesus is in continual spiritual warfare against the Temple masters in Mark’s gospel with strong conflicts in many areas of Jewish life:

  • Healing on the Sabbath (2:1-12 & 3:1-6)

  • Dining in questionable company meaning sinners & tax collectors (2:15)

  • Not fasting when others do fast to show obedience (2:18-20)

  • Observance of the Sabbath (2:23-28)

  • Washing of hands, purifying, tithes, & oath taking, clean food (7:1-23)

  • The Pharisees meet with those loyal to Herod to plan Jesus’ destruction (3:6)

  • Jesus clearly names His opponents as elders, chief priests, & scribes (8-9-10)

After Jesus teaches on the two greatest commandments, even a scribe must agree that these two are “… more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”, a direct admission that Jesus is greater than the Law. (12:32-33)

BAPTISM – John preached baptism was a washing that cleansed away sins of those who repented (1:4), the baptism of Jesus by John transformed the ordinance into a far greater level of an external expression of an inward possession of Christ Himself. Romans 6:3-6 teaches us that we are buried with Him in death and are risen with Him in newness of life. To be fulfilled by each who are saved, full immersion is the only means of baptism that truly expresses oneness in Christ.


Mark: Miracles & Healings