Nehemiah - Chapter 12



At first glance these verses appear to be a confusing mix of odd names, but this collection does follow a basic outline:

  • Those priests and Levites who came with Zerubbabel (1-9)

  • High priests from the time of Zerubbabel to Nehemiah (10-11)

  • Priests in the days of Jehoakim (21)

  • Levites of many generations (22-26)

The list is given to indicate the continuity in priestly and Levitical leadership between the return of the Jews under Cyrus and the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.

The right to serve in the temple passed from father to son. This inclusive list confirms that the proper spiritual authorities were serving in the temple.

Here we see a strong lesson that according to Nehemiah renewal does not conflict with order, but rather, it leads to order. A proper ordering of the settlers in Jerusalem and the organization of the temple ministry would prolong the revival and unity that began with the rebuilding of the temple, then later the rebuilding of the wall, and finally concluded with the firm agreement of the people to obey the Lord's commands.

In our churches today, we must take care that order is not carried so far as to quench the spirit. John 3:8 teaches that the Holy Spirit goes where it will, so care must be taken to be sure room remains within our worship for it to move among us.  Paul allows us a good teaching on this matter in 1 COR 12-14 where he encourages the free exercise of spiritual gifts while at the same time providing rules by which these gifts can operate “decently and in order”.

We who yearn for revival in our churches understand and accept that there will always exist a creative tension between order and renewal.




In preparation for the dedication the Levites gathered from their homes. Not only did they assist the priests, but they also arranged for the music in the temple. Special singers were gathered in Jerusalem from the surrounding villages to be a part of the celebration as the wall was to be dedicated. The priests and Levites began the process of purification of the wall so that it could be dedicated.

This matter of purity is important for without purity we cannot worship God in spirit and truth, as Jesus commanded (John 4:24). Psalm 24 asks us the important question of “... who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...”.

How are we made clean ourselves to comply in our own day so that He will hear our prayers and accept us when we open our hearts to approach the Lord? We no longer require the ceremonial law to assist us as Jesus himself satisfied that law in full. But we can receive and apply the commands of the New Testament:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness” (1st John 1:9).

Here is our own lesson to be purified.



To begin the dedication, Nehemiah divided the people into two groups and each group contained:

A large thanksgiving choir (31)

A prominent lay leader (32 & 38)

Other leaders (32-34 & 40)

Priests with trumpets (35-36 & 41)

Other musicians, including Levites (36 & 42)

From the gathering point, Nehemiah sent one group clockwise around the wall, and the other group counter clockwise around the wall, both on top. Both groups converged at the temple. While the singers sang loudly, the priests offered great sacrifices and all the people rejoiced with great joy. Their rejoicing was so loud that it was heard far away.

The people of God dedicated the wall in Jerusalem with an elaborate worship service. This passage suggests how we might ourselves worship more fully, perhaps including more celebration of the grace given each of us, and as an assembly, by the Lord. These verses give us a clear outline of how Nehemiah felt effective worship was to be conducted: pausing, preparing, participating, and physical expressing of our love.

The people of Israel walked upon the wall that they had finished by God's grace and as they did so, heartfelt thanksgiving seemed to swell inside them. As they sang loud praises, it seemed their hearts welled up with even more joy. 

Psalm 95 seems to say best how they must have felt.

“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God. And the great king above all gods. …For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.”



This short passage serves as a transition between the dedication in 27-43 and the later work of Nehemiah in 13:4-31. It summarizes the covenant life of Israel after the wall had been built. It demonstrates the effect of true revival which had come to the land after so much hard work in such hard times.

In these days persons were appointed to supervise the storehouse of tithes for those who served in the temple. They also gathered the tithes from those who worked the fields in the surrounding villages. Here it seems clear that the people were more than willing to offer the required portions. Under the influence of Nehemiah, the people ordered their lives according to God's covenant and even took joy in the sacred institutions implemented in God's law.

Verses 45-46 outline the activities of the “singers and gate keepers”. When David established the order for priests and Levites (1st Chron 23-24), he also formed divisions of musicians and gate keepers (1st Chron 25-26). Asaph, one of his most noted music leaders, wrote many of the Psalms. Now by mentioning these same groups we see that all ministries were operational, even those from far older times.

Verse 47 further indicates that, not only was the temple fully staffed, but that “all Israel” supported the ministry by giving the required tithes and offerings. Under Nehemiah as their leader, the temple and the nation functioned according to the covenant of God. 


Nehemiah - Chapter 11


Nehemiah - Chapter 13