Nehemiah - Chapter 3




Chapter 3 can be seen as a tedious list of names and families. It can be boring to plow through it but there are serious lessons between the lines of this chapter.

At the close of chapter two, Nehemiah had successfully persuaded the people of Judah to join him in rebuilding the wall. They intended to begin work, regardless of the laughter and sarcasm of their neighbors. Not only did Nehemiah motivate the people but he also organized them effectively as demonstrated by the list of builders and their assignments.

The builders came from diverse regions of Judah and from diverse professions (including goldsmiths and perfumers). Both sexes worked on the wall and even leaders from the society got their hands dirty, including the high priest and his brethren, the Levites, and many district leaders.

Yet not everyone participated in Nehemiah's program. We see in verse 5 that the nobles from Tekoa “... did not put their shoulders to the work of the Lord...”. Here we see that some leading citizens were unwilling to be under the leadership of Nehemiah.

As a result, common folks from the region of Tekoa repaired two wall sections without any help from their leaders (verses 5 & 27).

Rebuilding the Jerusalem wall was God's work. God stirred up Nehemiah in chapter one, and enabled him to be sent to Jerusalem in chapter 2. To his opponents, Nehemiah boldly said, “The God of Heaven himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build...”. (verse 20). Later when the wall was completed, Nehemiah commented that “... this work was done by our God...”. (6:16)

But God worked through people: through Nehemiah and the hardworking men and women of Judah. Nehemiah 3 is a reminder to us that the work of God happens when the people of God labor.

This was true in the days of Nehemiah – and it was true in the New Testament days – and it is still true today. 

Knowing that God works through us should encourage us and motivate us to get busy with God's business.

In chapter 3 Nehemiah demonstrated balance and strategic leadership. Based upon a spiritual foundation of prayer (1:4-11), he organized effectively and delegated thoroughly. He succeeded by making many smaller parts create the whole.


Nehemiah - Chapter 2


Nehemiah - Chapter 4