Putting on the Armor Part 6: The Sword of the Spirit

Believing in the power of the Word:

  • The Word teaches us who God is. (1 John 4:8)

  • The Word teaches us that God is Sovereign over the enemy.

  • The Word teaches us that God will bind the enemy.

  • (Marching forward in Christian obedience).

Recognizing the enemy’s strategies:

  • The enemy leads us to doubt God’s character and His Word.

  • The enemy wants to substitute religion for knowing the Word.

  • (The enemy delights in deception).

  • The enemy wants us to listen to voices other than God’s.

  • (It’s EASIER to listen to other voices).

Countering the enemy’s strategies:

  • (We must CHOOSE intentionally against the enemy).

  • Develop a reading & study plan.

  • Develop a learning plan.

  1. Follow a reading plan

  2. Pray before reading

  3. Use a good study Bible

  4. Don’t be afraid to use good commentaries

  5. Be alert to verses to memorize

  6. Use good principles & then obey the Word.

  • Join a Bible Study group (AMEN!!!!!)

Overcoming the Enemy’s Lies:

  • God won’t forgive you.

  • You will never overcome this sin.

  • The church will never accept you again.

Proclaiming the Word:

  • Christ has defeated the powers. (Colossians 2:15)

  • The enemy can’t nullify God’s grace.

  • God fights the battle for us.

Wearing the full armor of God.


Putting on the Armor Part 5: The Helmet of Salvation


Putting on the Armor Part 7: The Power of Prayer