Revelation 22:6-21: I am Coming Soon

As we begin our last study in Revelation, we should be sure we. step forward on the correct footing that will help us to fully understand these final verses.

In our last study portion, we learned of the eternal intimacy that will occur between the Lord and all who are His as we live in His presence in the holy city of New Jerusalem, sent by God down from the third heaven as our eternal home. We have a foretaste of this part of God's plan given to us in Hebrews 12:23:

"To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect".

We are justified by the righteousness of Jesus Christ, made just before God by, His shed blood. We come to our heavenly reward as just men and women. But that process does not end there. It is thereafter that we are made perfect, likened unto Jesus who is perfect. When we live eternally with Him in His perfection, we who are glorified at that point will finally be like Him.

The chapters we have studied so far all conclude in our current chapter and we are taught before this passage we now begin that there have been certain promises kept that help us to grasp this glorious change of that which was into that which is now perfect.

Here are those specific occurrences in summary:







Verses 6-7 teach us of the parting words of Jesus and the angel. What are we told? These words are faithful and true. There are things which shall shortly take place. I am coming quickly. Why does it seem that it has been so long? Our word study back to the Greek once more helps us. The word given here as quickly in the original language might be better translated as "suddenly". Had this more likely word been used, we might not continually be questioning how long "quickly" is. There is no wrong view here nor were we misled. God wishes to keep all generations expectant, watching, and ready for His return. Remember that in divine time, Jesus has only been gone two days. ( every 1,000 years here is as one day there). We must always keep in mind He is not on our schedule. We are on His.

Those who keep the words given are blessed. The main intent of all prophetic passages is to lead us to trust and obey, and apply His truth to our entire lives.

Verses 8-9 show John being corrected for a repeated mistake. He heard these words and fell down to worship the angel who speaks them. He made the same mistake in 19: 10 and is quickly reminded that he is not to worship angels, only God. We are never to worship any created being, even those who were devout and perhaps chosen by God for special missions, such as Mary, the mother of Jesus. Remember she was blessed "among" women, not "above" women. John is properly corrected once more.

Verses 10-11 tells us that unlike Old Testament prophecy which was commanded to be sealed, these passages are not so .commanded. Daniel's prophecy was to be sealed for later, but the time for the full revelation of this prophecy has arrived.

Verses 12-13 is the declaration from Jesus himself that He is coming quickly. But now He adds a phrase that must accompany His coming. He is bringing His reward with, Him, for each one according to their work. 1st Corinthians chapter 3 & 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 are our best teaching scriptures on this passage. For the saved, there is NO condemnation, only reward.

Jesus again reveals he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. This description was applied to God in 1 :8 & 21 :6 and now Jesus confirms His deity for all time by applying this phrase to Himself.

Verses 14-15 allow a blessing and a curse. Blessed are those who do His commandments and therefore have access to the tree of eternal life and may enter the holy city. But those who do not will never be allowed entry. This passage does not mean there will be wicked people living outside the holiest city, but rather is using then current day imagery to portray what will be in that future time.

Now in verse 16 Jesus verifies that He sent His angel to testify to the churches the things he wanted them to know. Now He goes a step further to remind all readers for all time that he is both the root and offspring of David. He spoke these same words to the wicked Pharisees in Matthew 22:41-46. We are given a reminder here that this book was addressed to the churches, and is not a private writing. Here is the first reference to a church since chapters 2 & 3. His self description of "bright and morning star" is taken from Numbers 24:17, describing the star of Jacob (Israel).

Verse 17 is the continual invitation Jesus spoke throughout His earthly ministry, "come''. It is still an open invitation to the water of life only available through Christ.

Verses 18-19 provide the strongest message Jesus ever gives on the integrity of the Holy Word of our Bible. If any man adds to it, plagues are visited on him. If any man takes anything away, his name is removed from the book of life and he is rejected from the holy city.

Verses 20-21 allow how serious Jesus is concerning His coming. We are granted two "amens" here to be sure we grasp how strong the message is. John adds his own hopeful wish by using an expression from the Aramaic language that he, and Jesus spoke daily:


Our best translation into English is : 0 LORD COME!

The last verse of the OT contains a curse. Malachi 4:6 says: "Lest I come and strike the earth With a curse"

It is fitting that the last verse of the-NT speaks of grace, begging the Lord of all grace to come, no longer with a curse, but with His perfect redemption.


Revelation 21:7-22:5: Better than You can Imagine


Revelation: Video Bible Studies