First Timothy - Chapter 6



Paul now deals with the relationship between those who work and those for whom they work. He commands that a Christian should render a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. If the worker’s master is Christian, do them service because they are part of the faithful and thereby beloved, and they partake of a portion of the benefits of Christ.


Those who are proud by nature may also be trouble makers. Such men have corrupt minds thinking their material gains are a result of godliness. A true believer practices humility understanding that we were saved from depravity only by the grace of God and nothing else.


It is important that the child of God find contentment in his life for to do so is great gain for the mind and heart. A reminder comes next to help us recall that we bring nothing into the world and we leave with nothing of the world. All we may carry onward is our saved soul and if we have served the Lord, salvation rewards are waiting for the Lord’s humble servant.


Basic things such as food and clothing should bring us to thankfulness. Those who chase money may fall into temptation and the snare of Satan.


Here is given one of the most memorable sayings in all of the NT, which is that the love of money is the root of all evil. Notice Paul did not say money itself was the root, but rather that the love of it is the problem. Paul warns Timothy to flee such things and seek righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. These are the spiritual virtues a man who follows Jesus should pursue.


Timothy is to fight the good fight which may be outward or inward or both. Paul tells him to grasp eternal life which is the result of the good profession Timothy has chosen. Paul sends another charge to the young preacher to keep the command until Jesus returns. He reminds Timothy that God makes all things alive, meaning giving life to those who were previously dead in trespasses and sin. Paul warns him to keep this instruction without stain or reproach. 


Jesus is the blessed and only king, King of kings and Lord of lords. He alone has immortality and through Him alone can mortal man discover it and treasure it.


Timothy is to charge rich people not to be high minded or to trust in the wealth of this world. They should be willing to spread the blessings given by God, helping others with their wealth which will lay up for themselves a good foundation in eternity. Paul says they are to give as they have been given.


A concluding summary by Paul to Timothy finalizes 1st Timothy in these two last verses. He reminds Timothy not to push for false knowledge (vain babblings and false science). Those who have rested on these have erred in the faith.

He then blesses the young man to whom he has conveyed so much by sending the warm words of “Grace be with thee”. 

Amen ends the book which literally means “so be it”.


First Timothy - Chapter 5


First Timothy - Chapter 1 Summary