Second Timothy - Chapter 2


The second chapter of Timothy is a delight. In these verses there are seven figures of speech that are used to describe the duty and activity of a believer. These need to be impressed more upon us as we draw nearer to the end of our individual time or perhaps the end of earth time for all believers.

These seven are: son, soldier, athlete, farmer, workman, vessel, and servant.


Paul asks Timothy, as a son, to be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus. Paul gives no rules and the Word of God is not based upon rules. It is based upon grace and that factor alone should provide our strength. Those who seem to worship rules among us are not fully informed on grace. Notice that Paul does not fail to remind Timothy that grace needed is IN Christ, not in ourselves.


Timothy is to take the lessons given to him by Paul and to render them onward to the faithful who then are able to teach others.


The Christian is a soldier by design. We are fighters of spiritual warfare on a daily and sometimes on a minute by minute basis. Paul devotes an entire chapter in Ephesians to the weapons available to the believer to defend the faith (Eph 6). Man should not be entangled too much with the affairs of everyday life but rather use his strength to war for the Lord. We are to recognize exactly what we are after conversion and accept the role of soldier for God.


As man fights the given fight he must strive for mastering the combat, which is never ending, and that striving is lawful and when he prevails a crown awaits him just as a reward awaits the athlete who has trained and then become victorious.


Similar to verse 5, a believer is a farmer who labors for God in the fields of souls and to do so must first be a partaker of the fruits. This means that after labor there is a harvest just as the dawn comes after the darkness. We are to till the field and sow the seed as a farmer for the Lord. Even those who simply witness once to a lost soul in need are master farmers for God.


If Timothy considers the teaching of Paul the Lord will grant him understanding. A reminder is given to recall that Jesus of Nazareth was of the seed of David and was raised from the dead as the gospel instructs. Timothy, as a strong believer, is very aware that Jesus was raised to sit upon the throne of David eternally just as the gospel brings to our hearts.


Paul was considered an evildoer when he preached the word and was in prison for that specific crime. He assures Timothy that he is enduring these things for the sake of the elect, that salvation should come to them through his efforts.


If and when we die for Christ we rise spiritually to live with Him. If such a choice causes us to suffer, then so be it. We must never deny Him for if we do so, He will deny us. Jesus abides faithful whether we believe or not. We must be genuine for Him with no hypocrisy in us as that was the way of the Pharisees.


Timothy is told to remember all these things and he is to convey the essential words of the gospel, unlike those who speak striving to subvert those who hear their words.


Timothy is to study and show himself approved unto God, being a workman who is not ashamed as he rightly divides the word of truth. Study will help one make sense of the scriptures and Timothy is told to be diligent in such study so that his teaching of others rightly explains scripture. He is warned not to allow profane and vain babblings into his study as they bring nothing but ungodliness.


Paul again uses the examples he names of those who have become in error of apostasy as they even say the resurrection has already arrived which overthrows the faith of some. He says their words are a canker eating away at the truth.


The Lord knows who are His and His foundation stands sure as those who reside in the name of Christ are to leave iniquity behind them.


Timothy is challenged to be a vessel and thereby usable by God. Such a vessel must not be concerned with treasures of gold or silver or wood or earth, as vessels made of these things are without honor. An honorable vessel of the Lord is sanctified and ready for the use of the Master, prepared to go forth in good works.


Timothy is to forego youthful lusts but cautioned to follow righteousness, faith, charity (love) and peace as those who follow those are pure of heart. He is to be unconcerned with foolish things, which only bring strife.


Paul says a believer must be like a servant, gentle to all men. We recall that Matthew teaches us that Jesus taught that those who intend to be great in heaven must be a servant here. Paul reminds again that there are serious snares of the devil set for those he can capture at his will. Those who wish to argue about the Word of God as you teach them are not to be disagreed with. When these appear Timothy is simply to keep giving those the true word and the Lord will do the rest, for spiritual increase is always given by God.


Second Timothy - Chapter 1


Second Timothy - Chapter 3