Second Timothy - Chapter 4


As we complete our study of Timothy, there is a degree of sadness found in these final verses. Paul brings his instructions for the last days as well as granting wisdom in what are likely his last written words. There is a feeling of loneliness as he resides in a Roman prison with his execution drawing close. He is cold and asks for his cloak to keep him warmer and wants his books so that he may fill his long last hours. There is also a note of victory as he gives Timothy the final charge, which are a last few instructions to his spiritual son.


Here begins a solemn charge to Timothy reminding him that in the appearing of Jesus judgment will be delivered to the quick (saved) and the dead (lost). To prepare Timothy, Paul tells him to proclaim the word constantly, convict with it, rebuke with it, and exhort with it as you preach the doctrine of salvation of the gospel.


Sound doctrine may not be fully believed in the future as men will pursue their own lusts, having itching ears for some other message. As they turn away from the truth of the gospel, their understanding will turn to fables.


Timothy is reminded not to simply consider himself a preacher of one church (Ephesus) but is to recall that he is also an evangelist just as he had been when he had accompanied Paul on missionary trips.


Here we have Paul’s deathbed testimony. He is ready to leave the world having finished his course and knows there is a crown of righteousness waiting for him above.


In these verses Paul seems to settle some scores. Some people have been good to him and supported him and others he lists by name that opposed him in his work. Paul clearly mentions no man stood with him as he appeared before Nero. Paul laments that he had to stand alone He does note that the Lord was with him and gave him strength and he had been spared originally in trial from the mouth of the lion, meaning from execution at that hearing. He assures the Lord will deliver him from every evil work and will preserve him for the heavenly kingdom.

His last words are comforting to Timothy, saying that the Lord Jesus Christ be with Timothy in spirit and that God’s grace is to be with Timothy, his spiritual son in the faith.


Second Timothy - Chapter 3


Second Timothy - Chapter 1 Summary