Ephesians 2:11-22: The Mystery of Unity in Christ


These verses recall that the first readers of this letter were likely Gentile believers in Asia minor (modem Turkey). They were classified by the Jews as "uncircumcised", and were thought to stand outside God's covenant with Israel. '.

What was the state of the non-Jews as seen in scripture?

They lacked any hope of a Messiah.

They had no citizenship within the .. elect of Jewish nation.

They were, sadly, described in verse 12 as having "no hope" and

"without God in the world".

Now, after the rejection of the Messiah_by most all of the Jews, Jesus had turned His Gospel toward the Gentile peoples and by His own example brought His message of repentance and salvation to Gentiles and even Samaritans ( considered half-breeds of low birth by Jews). Further, after the work of Jesus at Calvary, and the temple veil tom from top to bottom, direct access to God was now open to all peoples.

Now, those who accepted Jesus became "in Christ" and came to share with Israel the covenant of fellowship with God. Now, there began a fellowship still valid today of Jews and Gentiles who believed considered one body in Christ. Among the titles that prophecy provided for the Messiah (in Isaiah 9:6) was Prince of Peace. Verse 15 allows our teaching on this matter: ,,

" ... to make in himself of twain, one new man, so making peace".

The long understood divide was broken and access to God stands open to all.

What had kept them at a distance was the Torah, sacred Jewish OT law, which in commandments and regulations defined Israel's status and had made it impossible for Gentiles to enter. Verse 15 teaches that he abolished in His own flesh commandments of ordinances.

Through this change brought by Jesus the new fellowship of Jews and Gentiles discover their unity and oneness in a mutual and free access to God by the Holy Spirit who is the author of unity within the church. From this time forward, there. is one church on one foundation with all members equal with equal rights and privilege and all holding the same title of "member".

The church rests on a single foundation. After Jesus, it is considered to be the place that God desires to inhabit but it is not a temple built of human hands but is rather a spiritual body composed of men and women in whom God's Spirit dwells.

So the ancient promise made to the chosen people long ago in Genesis 15 was kept. The same keeping was made a new promise to Gentiles who had no ancient promise but were now accepted and made equal to Jewish believers. No Jewish believer could take issue with the new covenant that included both because the Lord's prophet Jeremiah had foretold this exact change in chapter 31 of his writing. He said the new covenant would be put in their inward parts and written in their hearts.

This is precisely what Christ arranged by His ministry and death and resurrection and His sending the Holy Spirit to make it so. This is precisely what Paul taught to all who would listen, that the circumcision so long held to be holy was forever now to be of the spirit, not of the flesh. Consider-Romans 2:29:

"But he is a Jew which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God".

Our study verses near the end of chapter two are clear on this teaching:

2: 19: "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God"

2:22: "In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit".

So now there is perfect unity not based upon birth or nation or race. Unity is forever based only upon faith allowed as His gift through His grace ( and nothing else), uniting us in His house by uniting us to His Son in the power of His Holy Spirit. Our salvation is glorious and accomplished through the eternal plan of God, set from the foundation of the world.


Ephesians 2:1-10: Amazing Grace


Ephesians 3: Summary