Ephesians 3: Summary

The hidden mystery, that the Gentiles should be saved, and become full members of the body of Christ, was made known to Paul by revelation from God.

Here we experience, with Paul, the wonder of the Lord's amazing grace. The joy of these verses seems to fill Paul with wonder as he reveals to us what has been revealed to him. This wonder brings us to be most in tune with the power and the love of God.

As Paul prays for these believers in the wonder of God's way, he also prays for us that we might be filled with such wonder.

Paul's prayer in this chapter is clear in showing the presence of God's Spirit in our lives. Paul prays that God might grant his readers inner strength through the power of that Spirit. The source of this power is the indwelling of that third person of the Holy Trinity.

The key for us here is that we should recognize that it is God who grants the power of our faith through His grace, thereby arranging our eternal life in His wholeness, which fills us each moment after we are His.

It is when we know Christ through the Spirit that we are "filled with ALL the fullness of God", with as much height, depth, breadth, and length of divinity that our human self can contain.


Ephesians 2:11-22: The Mystery of Unity in Christ


Ephesians 3: The Power and Love of Christ