God’s Devil - Part 5: The Serpent’s New Religion

We take a look at the next step in the plan of the devil, Satan, to work against God after he has successfully caused the rebellion in heaven in which one third of angels were deported to earth, and he has successfully caused the fall of mankind with his temptation of our first parents in the garden.

Since the evil nature of Satan must be disguised to bring success to his plan, he determines his next step is to pervert the worship of God forever as man grows in number and by his nature seeks meaning for life. Being worshiped in disguise is better than not being worshiped at all. Satan's goal was not to make Adam and Eve, and their descendants, atheists, but to turn their worship from the true and living God to other false gods under faiths that are also false. Satan would now compete with God for the faith of man.

To make this perverted proposal popular, Satan began to construct various religions for man to adopt, each of which was not God centered but exclusively man centered. Over the many centuries he has found success again by presenting these false faiths as true and made them attractive to mankind. Here are a few:

The lie of reincarnation:

 God had promised that if Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit they would surely die. They ate and they died, physically over time and spiritually the same day they sinned. In order to overcome the normal human fear of death, Satan constructed a false belief that death is only a simple step to another human life as the soul travels onward to the next body to start life on earth again. There is no judgment therefore death is not to be feared. Even today there are still many who accept this false faith.

The lie of esoterics:

Satan promises a renewed conscience which is no longer focused upon God but upon the a physical transformation of becoming enlightened. Meditation itself or coupled with some form of drug will bring a change in the mind and previously hidden knowledge will become opened to the seeker. Communication with the dead is made possible by this faith and because this fact is forbidden by God in His command not to have such efforts, God provided a powerful example of what happened to King Saul after he sought out familiar spirits to raise Samuel from the dead. (1st Samuel 27:7-8).

The lie of pantheism:

The belief is that God does inhabit all of His creation, therefore worship of nature or trees or animals is considered to be worship of God. This false faith is among the highest form of idolatry and Satan has used this false faith well with many converts.

The lie of relativism:

Satan had promised Eve that the first parents will be like God, knowing good and evil. In this one respect, Satan was correct. But this beginning clouded the moral boundaries of life that God had set. The main focus of this false faith is that boundaries of right and wrong are not absolute and that each person should do what they feel is right for them, even if their action is opposed to God's law. This practice was at the heart of the temptation of Eve. God's word was challenged and questioned and Eve was convinced to do what she wanted (or thought she wanted) rather than obey the clear instruction of God. 

The lie of hedonism:

This last false faith is among the most enduring lies Satan brought to man. This false faith teaches that happiness is found when you do what you wish and what you think feels good even if it violates every command of the Lord.  The word “hedonism” has been closely tied with physical intimacy in modern times which has come to mean men or women can proceed to experience any form of physical intimacy outside of the God ordained institution of marriage. Our nation is under tremendous suffering for this lie as our divorce rate continues to soar and we have included the ending of life in the womb as proper in our country so that this lie can prosper.

God was not mocked by Satan. He was well aware of Satan's next moves and how Satan intended to install the lies among mankind. God took serious action to be sure Satan was warned about what would happen next as a result of these plans for evil.

God took the initiative and used His own “I will” statements to counter the “I Will” statements made earlier by Lucifer as reported by the OT prophet.

A redeemer was promised who would rise from a woman and would crush the head of the serpent. The serpent would only be able to injure the heel of the redeemer.

Despite hearing the promise of God, Satan did not concede defeat. He would continue to strike back with his lies of false faith and temptations designed to diminish the soul of man. From this crucial moment, the battle was engaged and would soon heat up as a conflict of many centuries.


God’s Devil - Part 4: There is a Serpent in our Garden


God’s Devil - Part 6: The Serpent is Crushed