God’s Devil - Part 6: The Serpent is Crushed

Finally, Christ arrived. Centuries earlier (in our idea of time) God has promised the serpent that a redeemer was coming (Genesis 3:15) and God kept His word. When Christ was born in Bethlehem, Satan quickly tried to kill Him. Mary and Joseph took the infant to Egypt and Satan's first plan was ruined. Many infants were killed in what was called “The Slaughter of the Innocents” but Jesus lived.

So if he could not kill Him, Satan tried to corrupt Him in the desert temptation. He pretended to offer Jesus a shortcut to gain the world without the cross. Remember Satan was prince of this world. Jesus withstood this temptation and overcame Satan. Even later, when Jesus heard words similar coming from the lips of Peter, Jesus told Peter,

“Get thee behind me Satan” (Mark 8:33). The conflict (both earthly and spiritually) was set. Satan was in the garden and Satan was at the last supper. We know from John 13:27 that Satan himself entered Judas to guide the wicked (but necessary) deed. Jesus Himself conceded that the hour for evil to seem to win was near. In Luke 22:52-53 Jesus said the hour belonged to the power of darkness. But Jesus was clear on the message of the conflict. He assured us in John 12:31-32 that as He was lifted up, then would men be drawn to Himself.

Clearly, even after all these conflict moments, we still see that God has allowed Satan to continue to have power in this world. The appearance of defeat (the cross) was to be the greatest victory three days later. The cross is primarily about us and it answers the question of the ages. How can unholy people become the sons and daughters of a holy God? We are the trophies in this ancient war. If we are believers, Satan knows he cannot have our souls, but he will never stop trying to damage our fellowship with our Lord. The battle in this war was cosmic. God was there. Satan was there. We were there.

We must not overlook the fact that not only are we sinners by action, but also we are sinners by nature. Sin is not only what we do. It remains what we are. Satan is our accuser (as we see in the first chapter of Job), but he cannot tell God anything God does not already know. The dispute is not whether we are sinners. Satan accuses us because he wishes us damned forever as he is. But the eternal divine plan is not damnation for those who are His, rather it is salvation forever. Satan reminds God that we too are sinful rebels but he also knows the wages of sin is spiritual death and he knew that for him, there was no redeemer sent. God had promised in Ezekiel 18:4 that “... the soul who sins shall die...”. But He now reveals that it is someone else who will do the dying for us. 

In this moment, Christ was no longer innocent. He was made sin for us. 2nd Cor 5:21 teaches that He who knew no sin was made sin, so that we, who have no righteousness, might become righteous.

In this moment, Jesus was not a victim of political circumstance. Nor was He a victim of Temple masters plotting against Him. He was delivered to this moment by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God. (Acts 2:23). The divine plan formed before the ages began was unfolding exactly as God ordained. The penalty for sin was provided and the wages of sin were paid. God maintained His holiness and yet arranged for us to be found not guilty.

This victory does not mean that Satan no longer works against us. He continues his work and accusations. Generally his accusations are true as we remain sinful. We must understand that the payment made by Christ saved us from the penalty of sin, but does not save us from the presence of sin. We still must confess sin and repent of it to maintain our fellowship with the Lord. 

While the power of Satan, delegated by God, is strong, it is not absolute. He can only kill by approval, and he cannot make alive. When Jesus was raised to life from death, God proved His complete superiority over death, physical and spiritual. There remains no dispute over who is Lord. As added proof, we are taught in Ephesians 4 that in those three days in the tomb, Jesus removed those OT saints from Hades and when He ascended  He took them with Him to heaven. Abraham's bosom was emptied, leaving only hell itself occupied until the Great White Throne judgment moment arrives.

No wonder Satan remains angry. He is still condemned to the earth itself but is only out on bail until the lake of fire calls his name to come.

We have seen the lightning. Thunder is on the way.  To man, the lightning seems to come before the thunder. That is because light travels faster than sound to humans.

But scientists tell us that both actually happen at the same time. Here is our proof that in the kingdom of the Lord, all things are forever now. Satan was defeated and remains so.

If we ask why Satan has not already been sent, after his defeat, to the lake of fire, we get an answer that is without question. He remains active because God is using him to complete the divine plan. We begin to understand that the serpent is actually God's serpent. He served before he fell. He is serving now. 


God’s Devil - Part 5: The Serpent’s New Religion


God’s Devil - Part 7: The Serpent is God’s Servant