Titus - Chapter 2


If a church does not teach sound doctrine then it is not a church. In the first chapter we found that the elders were to be able to do two things, to exhort the faithful and to refute the heretics. In this second chapter Paul will move his focus from refuting to focus upon the teaching of the Word of God.


Paul repeats his constant focus on sound doctrine and we must not miss the opportunity to define this term. Paul clearly uses the phrase over and over to mean the doctrine of the apostles. The first message here is for the senior citizens of the church. The aged men are to be sober (serious), grave (strong in faith), temperate (level minded), sound in faith, in charity (love), and in patience. Aged women are to have similar aspects of character and they are to exhibit holiness and not given to much wine, and be teachers of good things (teaching the gospel to other women). Their teaching should be to the younger women to love their husbands and children and also to be sober (serious). The women are to be modest and keeper of the home, obedient to husbands, and be sure the word of God not be blasphemed.

Young men are also warned to be sober minded, meaning to be serious concerning the gospel.


A pattern of good works is needed and a command is given to be sincere. Speech that is sound is to be accepted and servants are to be instructed to obey masters while seeking to please them in all they do.

Servants are to be honest, not purloining (stealing) which will show fidelity and by that aspect they will adorn God’s doctrine in their lives.


Paul now places a foundation under the lives of all these people mentioned and that foundation is to be doctrine, hearing, understanding, teaching, and living the gospel of Christ. In order to assure this foundation is secure, the church must preach the grace of God and no other gospel. Paul reminds these members that the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared (shown forth) to all. That grace teaches us that we who are children of God are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and thereby to live righteously and godly as long as we remain in the present world.


After acceptance of the instruction in the previous verse, members are to always be looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing once again of Jesus who has promised to return to claim those who live within the gospel commands.


Paul does not miss an opportunity to remind all who hear his words that our Lord gave himself for us, that we might find redemption from iniquity and be purified as a peculiar people who celebrate good works for the faith.


Paul summarizes all of the above he has spoken to be sure to end his thoughts that these are the things that Titus must speak, exhort, and rebuke (well teach and correct) with all authority. In doing so, Titus must be sure that no man might despise him for the life he lives. His life and work is directed by Christ and Titus must be sure to teach those who may dispute him with honor and kindness.


Titus - Chapter 1


Titus - Chapter 3