Titus - Chapter 3


This letter reveals for us the summary of God’s wishes for His churches. As we began this letter, we saw that God wanted the church to be orderly and wants His churches to remain in sound doctrine, and only after those commands God wishes His churches to perform good works.


Members are to be law abiding people, aware of the laws of the land and being obedient to all of man’s law unless it conflicts with the duty of the church to be obedient to the higher priority, which is God’s commands. Church members are to be subject to the principalities and powers in civil government. This potential conflict must always be settled on the side of obedience to God’s commands, Peter was direct on this issue in Acts 5:29:

“We ought to obey God rather than men.”

His response was over the issue of Jewish spiritual rulers insisting that the disciples preach no more in the name of Jesus Christ.

This legal obedience to man is to be done in gentle meekness, speaking no evil. Members are to recall that at one time they themselves were sinfully chasing various lusts and living in hate in their own hearts. The humble kindness of Jesus Himself overcame them and caused the change that resulted in the conversion of members. The mercy of Jesus saved members and renewed them under the work of the Holy Ghost. This process is known as regeneration and brings justification by His grace according to the hope promised of eternal life.


The affirmation of the command to express good works profits the church both now and in the future. The church is to be careful to maintain them at all times. Foolish questions on contentions and striving on the matter of law versus grace bring no profit and are vain. Paul was even more direct on this issue when he wrote in Romans 3:28 that by the law is no flesh justified. Preach grace. Case closed. If a man continues to argue the point after one or two discussions, reject him. He is sinfully condemned of himself. He is a heretic. Heretics have no place in the Lord’s church if they refuse to submit their hearts to grace over all other understandings.

Paul reminds Titus that we must learn good works so that spiritual fruit be constant. 

Paul provides a warm and loving benediction to his entire teaching toward Titus as he says those who are with him (Luke and others) salute Titus and that Paul’s final wish is that grace be with both Titus and all that are with him.


Titus - Chapter 2